You Have the Ability to Heal Yourself!
Watch VideoHeal Your Back and Neck Pain
Learn Techniques from an Alternative, Holistic Physical Therapist with 16 years of experience!
Heal Your Pain at Home With my Self-Treatment Video Series.

Learn How to Live Pain-Free!
Living in chronic pain, I was in desparate need to find something that relieved my pain without causing other issues.
Jackie is a true healer and has given me some more tools for my tool box to take control of my own healing and life. And for that, I am eternally grateful to her. May God bless you Jackie, Namaste.
I have been suffering from chronic hip and back pain due to scoliosis for many years.
The exercise and movement techniques from watching Jackie’s videos have helped me to move better and have helped release restrictions and tightness in my back and hips. I highly recommend these videos to anyone who wants to feel better physically and mentally.
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I am committed to helping people relieve their pain, naturally, at home. I have over 25 videos that have helped my patients with back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain plus how to get relief from headaches and other common aches and pain.
These free videos are just a sample of what is available on my healing video series course.