Virtual Physical Therapy
with Jackie Castro-Cooper, MPT
Holistic Alternative Physical Therapy including Myofascial Release, EFT, and other alternative therapies.

What is in the gift of a virtual treatment?
1.) Intake Assessment Questionnaire
Sent to your email to explore past and present uncovered health issues. Jackie will get to the root cause of your pain by getting your medical history and current tissue issues
2.) Two 4 inch Yellow Therapy Balls
These will be mailed to your home if you are in the U.S.
3.) FaceTime call
The call will last for 20-30 minutes and will occur two days before virtual treatment. Jackie will go over the intake form and ask some more questions and give you a self-treatment technique that is specific for you during the call.
4.) One Hour Virtual Treatment
Jackie will send you a link to your email so you can join her on your computer, laptop, or IPad, A larger screen is preferable so you can see what Jackie is doing.
5.) A Recorded Video of the Treatment
This will be sent to you so you can treat yourself every day.
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What is Myofascial Release?
MFR is a manual technique developed by John F. Barnes, PT. This technique uses gentle sustained pressure on the fascial system. It is considered the be the ultimate mind/body therapy. It is safe, gentle, and consistently effective in producing results that last.
What is Fascia
Fascia is a tough connective tissue that encompasses the whole body like a 3-dimensional spider web. Because of research done by Dr. Guimberteau, we now know that fascia is deep within the molecular structure of our cells. When trauma, incorrect posture, or inflammation occurs, this causes extreme pressure on muscles, nerves, blood vessels, joints, and organs. This pressure can produce symptoms of pain, headaches, and restriction of motion. When the fascial system is softened through JFB Myofascial Release, all systems of the body become more fluid and the body is free to move again with an incredible decrease in pain.