Happy 2020!

The next 12 months are yours for the making. Isn’t that exciting?! Why am I so optimistic about this year for you? Because being optimistic opens your thoughts to infinite creative possibilities, attracts high vibrational frequencies (positive energy), and decreases your chances of illness. This is why it’s so exciting! This is the year you become your higher self!

It’s easy to be optimistic when everything is going great, but when it’s not that’s when positive thoughts change everything. Optimism moves you away from being a victim of circumstance to a realization that you are now empowered to move forward. My grandmother always said,  “No hay mal que por bien no venga” There is not bad that good does not come of it.

Here’s how optimism brings you creativity, higher vibrational frequencies, and better health.


In Psychology Today, Utpal Dholakia Ph.D. wrote a great article called, 4 Ways In Which Optimism Helps Entrepreneurs Succeed., Here they are:

  • Optimism supports creative thinking & the generation of new ideas
  • Optimism produces a tendency to act.
  • Optimism supports persistence in a chosen course of action that is difficult.
  • Optimism facilitates bouncing back after a failure.


In Dr. David Hawkins’ book, Power VS Force, The Hidden Determinants of Behavior, he’s created a map of consciousness. In this map, we can see that if we rise to the emotional level of optimism then we enter the high vibrational energy level of Inspiration. What you think and feel becomes your reality.


In Kendra Cherry’s article, Benefits of Positive Thinking for Body and Mind, researchers have found lots of evidence pointing to the many benefits of optimism and positive thinking.

Stress relief– Positive thinkers cope better in stressful situations.

Increased Immunity– Positive emotions lead to a stronger immune response.

Improved wellness– “The Mayo Clinic reports a number of health benefits associated with optimism, including a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular problems, less depression, and an increased life span”  

Better resilience– Optimists look at how they can fix the problem. They don’t give up and they ask for help.

IF YOU’RE OVER 100 YEARS YOUNG IT’S MOST LIKELY BECAUSE YOU’RE AN OPTIMIST!                                                     

Optimism and longevity have been linked after a 2012 study done by Dr. Nir Barzilai found that 243 centenarians had the qualities of a positive attitude towards life. So there you have it! You are now ready for the next 12 months of your higher self!

Please subscribe to my E-Newsletter so you can check out the two books I recommend to stay optimistic. If you’d like to learn how Myofascial Physical Therapy can help you relieve chronic pain and reduce stress, please contact me.

With love and health,


This blog has been written with love. If it has been of value to you, please share it with all your friends. I am grateful for new subscribers. ❤️

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