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On April 2, 2020, I wrote this in my journal:

“I don’t know what to feel or say. XXXX, (A close family member) tested positive for COVID-19 and it feels like the world has stopped revolving. On top of that my physical therapy practice that I started in 2007 has one person on the schedule this week. After researching what vitamins and things to take while you have COVID-19, I’ve been texting XXXX every day and also sharing how well Tom Hanks is healing. If I truly believe that we can heal then I will pause and sit quietly every day and fill my loved one with the divine loving healing light that I always teach my patients to do.

This is such a strange feeling. I feel like someone hit the pause button. It feels like COVID-19 has stopped the world from revolving. Yet, even though I feel this way something within me, God, says it’ll be ok, this is a pause so that we can all reevaluate our lives”.

Update? My family member has healed.

Whether we like it or not COVID-19 has put us on pause and we’re reevaluating everything.

Pause- A Greek word that means to stop. In music, it means a rest that is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount.

Unless you’re a front-line health care provider, essential worker, hospital employee, or food worker, (Thank you to each of you), this pandemic has slowed, turned upside down, or stopped your life.

This has been a Pandemic Pause.

Pauses are familiar to us:

  • Pause before you speak
  • Pause for a moment
  • Press the pause button
  • Take a moment to pause

The truth is we’re afraid and this pandemic pause has thrown us into the fight/flight/freeze response. We can’t fight or flee so we’ve just been frozen. Stress and anxiety have been part of our daily regimen.

But wait…we can choose to get ourselves out of this fight/flight/freeze response by asking ourselves some questions.

Why questions? Because we step away from stress and anxiety when we become aware that we have a choice.

Using the letters of P-A-U-S-E ask yourself this:

P is for Peace

How much peace did you have in your life before the pandemic? How much calmness and peace do you feel today?

A is for Attention

What is your body telling you right now? What needs your attention at this moment? Was work a priority over your relationships before the pandemic?

U is for Understanding

What is your intuition or your voice telling you to understand?

S is for Surrender

What do you need to let go of? What would it be like if you surrendered fear?

E is for Enough

Are you ready to accept that you are enough? What if all you need to move out of this pandemic pause is already within you?

If any of these questions are difficult to answer you’re not alone. We’re all feeling the changes, the questions, and the mystery as we move into our new place in the world.

What have I been doing with my extra time? I’ve been walking outside, practicing the relaxation response, doing my power naps, and getting my sunlight, every day! Join me in this ritual of self-care/self-love.

This Pandemic Pause will be a fascinating story you can tell your grandchildren.

Please email me at my personal email [email protected] if you need to talk. I am with you during these evolving healing times. You can heal and enter your new place in the world!

With love and health,


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