After ten years of writing and research, I am so grateful to announce that The Power of Self Care/Self Love: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Evolving Into Your Higher Self is now on Amazon!

Cover by Daria DiCieli. Published by Intellect Publishing.
Here is the foreword of the book from author and PT, John F Barnes:
“Using the proverb, You Are a House with Four Rooms, Jackie takes us into the physical, intellectual, emotional, and Spiritual rooms. She tells personal stories and then recommends healing methods that may prevent illnesses and heal you. Not many authors that are not scientists or researchers talk about epigenetics, neuroplasticity, high vibrational frequencies, psychoneuroimmunology, and the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal axis, but Jackie explains these important topics with ease. She also discusses optimism, laughter, compassion, altruism, and gratitude and cites research that shows their healing effects on the body. This important book introduces the reader to not only healing modalities that will soon be mainstream, but also to the high vibrational frequency of love and the care that is needed to achieve it.”
-John F. Barnes, PT, LMT, is the President of the Myofascial Release Treatment Centers and International Myofascial Release Seminars. He is the author of, Myofascial Release: Healing Ancient Wounds and Myofascial Release: The Search for Excellence. John F. Barnes, PT has trained over 100,000 therapists and physicians in his highly successful Myofascial Release Approach®. He was named one of the most influential persons in the therapeutic profession in the last century in one of the leading therapeutic publications whose featured article was titled “Stars of the Century.” In addition, John F. Barnes, PT has been a keynote speaker at the American Back Society Symposiums for over 25 years and presented Myofascial Release at their recent symposium whose theme was the most important advances in healthcare in the last century.
I feel that this book is perfect for anyone seeking alternative ways to feel better. There are wonderful tools that will help you heal and move forward into the next stanza of your beautiful life. And, when you order your copy please let me know your thoughts by writing a review on Amazon! 🙂
The end of this feature contains a self-treatment video that I only share with my subscribers. Please subscribe here if you would like to receive it.
May you give yourself permission to move into your next stanza with health, creativity and joy.
With love and health,