I know you are too tired… I hear you! But, we were made to move our bodies!
The human body has over 300 joints. Yep, That’s a lot of joints! So we’re divinely designed to physically move. I know…I know you don’t want to exercise. However, as humans, we’ve lived on this earth for about 2 million years and hunting, gathering, and using tools has required the complete use of our bodies to survive. We don’t need to hunt, gather or use tools anymore to survive because the supermarket ( which we can drive to) is just 10 min away. Yet, our bodies don’t know that. Our bodies still want to move!

I have over 300 joints. I need to dance!
Unfortunately, the physical movement for those of us that live in industrialized nations is becoming less and less important. Both Europe and the U.S. are decreasing in physical activity. We spend our leisure time in front of a TV because we don’t have to hunt, gather or use tools!
After the birth of our first child, my husband and I left NYC to raise our new baby girl in his hometown. NYC is known for great things but affordability ain’t one of them! We moved to a beautiful place down south called Biloxi, MS. The cultural change of not walking to the store or getting on a train or bus was a big surprise for my body, mind and spirit. I had to get into a car to go everywhere. I was also indoors watching too much TV.
I remember one day I was feeling so sad because I missed all my family and friends that I just said, “Get out of the house and walk! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! So, I put my baby in the carriage and walked outside for 45 min. It was exhilarating! I was connected to mySELF. There began what I call, “Active Self Time”.
Active Self Time or AST is what I write down in my datebook to make sure I have movement scheduled into my week. Once AST is written into my day then all is well. I usually write it into my morning ritual that way it gets done.
What are some ways that we can introduce physical activity into the portions of our day? How can we connect with that part of our DNA that needs to move and be active?
Well, my friends, in my holistic physical therapy practice, I like to recommend a few of my personal favorites to my patients: Yoga class (love my Yoga teachers), walking outdoors, Zumba class, the treadmill, and circuit training at the gym. But, if you are not into classes or gyms then there are lots of other options, including using smartphones, watches, bracelets, and computers… movement of our 300 joints has never been easier.
Fabulous news! According to Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. from the Mayo Clinic, “Even brief bouts of activity offer benefits. For instance, if you can’t fit in one 30-minute walk, try three 10-minute walks instead. What’s most important is making regular physical activity part of your lifestyle.” (Mayo Clinic, Healthy Lifestyle Fitness Jan 3rd, 2014). Thank you, Dr. Laskowski! There is hope for all of us!
With Love and Health,
This blog has been written with love. If it has been of value to you, please share it with all your friends. I am grateful for new subscribers. ❤️
*If you have a tip for motivating yourself to exercise, please share below.*